Saturday, September 28, 2013

Carson Pass

Transcribed:  September 28, 2013

I never cease to be amazed at how the internet has opened up communication!  Shortly after Rachel and Ben left South Lake Tahoe I received an email from Denny Price!  September 20 Rachel and Ben arrived at Carson Pass (elevation 8573 feet) and spent some time resting and visiting.  It was wonderful that Denny took the time to take a couple of pictures and send them my way - although I do try to "wonder" (not worry) it was a pleasant surprise and an update of their progress on the trail!

"Hello from The Carson Pass Information Station on Highway 88 a day's hike south of Lake Tahoe. This afternoon Rachel and Ben rested at our station before continuing south a few more miles. They were a fun, engaging and interesting couple."

What a comfortable place to take a rest - Ben really liked Moke!
Thank you to the friendly staff at Carson Pass Information Center for providing fresh food, a warm environment and hospitality to Rachel and Ben!

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